A few years ago, I built a large Cobra MASS Device playset piece after being inspired by images of upcoming 7-inch Super7 GIJoe Ultimates! figures. They pay homage to the original Sunbow cartoon character models, and the figures appear to have stepped straight out of an animation cell. The downsides to this line are the eye-watering price and the slow-as-molasses release schedule. Plus it seems the line is now on hiatus or at least potentially making the switch to cheaper, mass-retail “deluxe” figures instead. But that’s just speculation, as we currently don’t really know the fate of 7″ Joes. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
However, production questions aside, the S7 releases were really slow, so my initial photos featuring the M.A.S.S. Device used 6.25″ GI Joe Classified figures (you can see those pics here), but I wanted to revisit that setup once we got Super7 versions of all the main players from those classic 80’s cartoon scenes. I can practically hear Chris Latta hissing his words now…
‘Til all are one, collecting is half the battle!